In most of the other encodes, we couldn’t see this behavior quite as clearly, but the finer the detail, the more likely the problem will be evident.ĪMD Radeon Pro and NVIDIA Quadro graphics cards do not have any inherent advantage in Vegas Pro, but we were kind of running on automode, and they just happened to find themselves tested. With AMD, it does mean that the first few frames could be a little blotchy, so timeline cropping might have to take that into account. NVIDIA debate since some encodes behave differently on each. It’s hard to factor these oddities into an AMD vs. More than anything, these are issues we’re mentioning just to mention them. What makes this complicated is that we’re not sure what causes the artifacts, as the results haven’t been consistent. We then looked at our Median test, and noticed that artifacts could be easily seen on NVIDIA cards (both GeForce and Quadro), but never seemed to show up on Radeon (the artifacts appear as colored blocks in the top-left of the screenshot in the third image of the slider). It made us wonder if that meant NVIDIA might be the better choice even if AMD happens to churn through certain tests quicker. This is interesting to us, considering the fact that AMD hardware typically performs better than NVIDIA in certain FX encodes.

MAGIX Vegas Pro 18 - Median use with Radeon This issue doesn’t seem to plague GeForce cards, but does impact both TITAN and Quadro. Just a few seconds of footage would have taken tens of minutes to encode with Denoise FX, so we’ll revisit later and see if that can be improved.Īs we’ve seen in the past couple of versions of Vegas Pro, if you own an NVIDIA professional-series graphics card, you might need to manually add a profile inside of NVIDIA’s Control Panel in order to gain full acceleration for some of the FX filters, such as LUT and Median. In our testing, we tend to agree with that, although the performance impact of Denoise vs. While both seem to offer similar denoising features, MAGIX tells us that they are quite different, and the denoising effect of Median won’t be as effective as Denoise FX.

It’s worth noting that the Denoise FX has made a return to VP18, and depending on the use case, it could be used instead of Median. Black Bar Fill will add a frame around a video that mirrors a blurred portion of the frame (seen above with Style Transfer added). Style Transfer offers you a number of classic styles to apply to your video, such as inspirations from van Gogh and Picasso, while Colorize adds what will hopefully be believable coloring to your black-and-white videos. Vegas Pro 18 with Style Transfer and Black Bar Fill FXīoth of the AI FX added to VP18 will offer varied results, as you’d likely expect from artificial intelligence.